Friday, March 8, 2013

this is my last project for Graphic Design and I think it turned out well.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The First things First Manifesto means that as a graphic designer instead of making designs for businesses for money we could, and should make designs as a way of expressing ourselves in a different medium of art instead of the norm.  The Graphic Design field is growing everyday with new and better jobs and there needs to be work but we should find ways to have fun in whatever we do. We should find new ways to advertize products than that of the norm. We should use our talents for more artistic ideas from street signs to buildings. This is the only way that we can change our graphic design futures.
Personally as a Graphic Designer I have a better knowledge of the Paint.Net program.  Also in the Adobe Photoshop Program I have learned some of the different tools like the “Magic Wand” along with the “Quick Selection” tool. I have learned how to make shadows in pictures with the “Dodge” and “Burn” Tools. I have learned and quite successfully used the “Clone Stamp”. So over all my Photoshop knowledge has greatly improved.
Due to my hard work, along with my great improvement I feel that I deserve and A. I worked hard on all of my assignments, and so the quality of the assignments improved with each project. Even when the project didn’t turn out the way it was in my head (which was a lot of the time) I still provided a quality piece of work. It was very helpful to bounce ideas off of Maria and you in order to not only finish the piece but to make it well.  Even when my computer turned my picture purple and deleted the tree all on its own, I was able to do something else and then come back and finish.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This is my student project that I got to choose. I Chose to do a fantasy scene.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

In my environmental design chose a stairwell and  made it a type of time/space travel

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What all these pictures have in common is that  they are all part of a school, from the art on the wall, to the cafeteria tables and chairs.

Monday, February 11, 2013


This is my Magazine Advertisement. It is making you look at what Coke was in the past with the old coke bottle and all the new(ish)  logos

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Magazine Cover

To make a magazine cover you need a template and for the template I chose to use People's magazine lay out.   I made my topic out of Amigrumi which is crochet animals.  I figured the colors felt craftsy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

These past couple of days we have been working on Photoshop. We were told to find a figure of speech phrase that we were to make a Photoshop picture of that figure of speech. I chose Clear as mud and  did a font that would be clear and a muddy mud.

Monday, January 28, 2013

This is my Department Store Sale Design. I went With a red and black as a background to catch the eye. I used the white font to stand out and make a statement.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Color Hero
Paint Co.

Identity Standards
Initials logo.png

2013 Version

Graphic Designers have freedom to take an amount of creativity to our websites and logos. We as a company respects that and only wish to focus on a few guidelines so the company will have the identity that is as unique as we are. We want to impact people with our customer service and quality of our products.
The Colors for our company is:
 Iron Gray – R: 64 G: 64 B: 64 HEX: 404040             
Radiant Red - R: 225 G: 0 B: 0 HEX: FF0000
Bright White  - R: 225 G: 225 B: 225 HEX: FFFFFF
Burgundy -   R: 127    G: 0   B: 0   HEX: 7F0000
For Fonts we will use: Elephant, Cataneo BT, and Castellar.
Logos /Signatures:
Our logo will consist of the white background swirled with red and burgundy, with the grey signature letters swirled with the white.
            Appropriate Use of Logo:  Borders around the logos
Initials logo.png
Initials logo.png


            Inappropriate Use of Logo:
Changing coloring or brightness

Initials logo.png Initials logo.png


Promotional Material:
Buissness Envalope.png

Buissness Card.pngBuissness Letterhead.png

                                              Business Cards


Web Design/ Content:
As a company we need to reach as many people as possible so we will have a facebook page and also a webpage.   On our facebook page we will use the default settings except for our pictures and for that we will use our guidelines for our logo.
As Color Hero is proud of our customer service and product we also understand the need for creativity and a company identity.